I am a Judge (and other stuff)!

I received a call last night from Dave Currin, NVRHA president. I also spoke with Jay Henson, who is in charge of the judges. Apparently, I passed the test (a four hour written marathon) and am now carded and qualified to judge and be a clinician in the NVRHA. I am excited! I will be judging and giving the clinic at our Carmel Valley Show in conjunction with Jimmy Flores, who is from the Temecula area.

Jennifer Ray and I have chosen a new date for our versatility clinic. We did not want to conflict with the Region 6 show. Come to the Rockin JP on Saturday, May 8. We will have cattle and a wonderful outdoor trail course–very ranchy! We will cover all the versatility events and everyone, even first-timers, should be prepared for NVRHA (Paso Robles the following weekend), The Ranch Horse Classic, or Region 10’s versatility (June 6 at Salinas Posse Grounds).

In celebration of my qualification as a judge, I am including some photos of Carmel River Ranch pets. How is that for a non-sequiter?

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5 Responses to I am a Judge (and other stuff)!

  1. Nancy says:

    What an achievement, Sarah, and congratulation!! The NVRHA has a great addition

  2. malia says:

    Congrats Sarah! I am so happy and proud of you, your going to make a excellant judge!

  3. Cathe says:

    Hmm, ways to bribe the judge????? Congrats, you will be terrific!

  4. Janet says:

    Glad you like the geraniums, Nanny. All hail, Judge Sarah Clifford!!!

  5. Nanny says:

    Congratulations on passing your 4-hour test. Especially when you were so *sick* when you were taking it! You will be a good judge and clinician, of course. 🙂 Glad you have such good barn cats. Your geraniums are purty!

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